We strongly believe that every individual that have a serious performance goal deserves an opportunity to feel what the elite coaching and science based physical performance training look like when planned, applied and monitored toward that exact goal and in the way that suits the exact needs of that individual.

If you are a high-performance athlete or you are looking to become one, please see our Athletic Performance Programs.

If you are an athlete recovering from injury and want return to your sports’ battle field readier that ever before, check the way we do it in the section Advanced Post-Injury Programs.

If you are not an athlete, but want to maximize your fitness and health, get rid of pain, pursue some specific performance goal, look and feel better, were sure that our Fitness and Health options suit you.

If you are a sports’ team manager or coach, please see our Advice section for the possible ways we can help you develop serious and sustainable physical performance testing, training and monitoring solution that fits your budget.

Total Movement